Sunday, April 10, 2016

Writing term 1

For writing this term I have been doing a narative story this is one so far.

It was a dark gloomy day the rain was so fast that it stung. the sand was very wet
The pattend waves crash against the sea bed. As the water came to my feet I screemed because of
The frozeness. Alien ship stood strong on the beach.   
                                                    Describe the character 
Seth was a young boy training to be a mirene  17 years later he has his backpack
His camo armour with his m1 magnum ready too take down a alien ship

Reading term 1

Inquiry term 1

Easy Blog Photo
My be safe water safety
Walt:make a river safety poster
Next step:research is in my own words using specific vocabulary 

Arts term 1

WALT:this term Sam has taught us to make a beat using shakes,symbols,drums,triangles,clappers,bells and sticks we also learn to do the beat of the song we will rock you
Next step: keep in time with the music and make a beat 

Maths term 1

MATHS Everyday I go to mr Wallace’s class to do maths workshop 
 Walt: this term in maths I have been leaning to round with using - 
Next step:round a lot faster